
Understanding and Promoting Diversity

Definition of Diversity

̽̽App and other community colleges in Nebraska define diversity as “the unique variety of qualities, traits and characteristics that are inherent to the human condition, with a focus on the world views, communication styles, and unique ways of "thinking, being and doing" of individuals within our institutions and the communities we serve.”

As such, diversity is an inclusive concept that encompasses such elements as race, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, intelligence, size, appearance, and economic status. It is through our understanding and valuing of this diversity that we leverage and maximize the unique contributions we all are capable of making as students, employees, and members of the community.

Our Goals

As members of a learning community, we should continually strive to:

  1. Affirm our commitment to understanding and promoting diversity
  2. Recognize and value the diverse richness of our community
  3. Encourage mutual respect and understanding among all people
  4. Recognize that true excellence in organizations and communities results from identifying, serving, and enlisting the participation of all people who represent the abundant diversity of our nations’ heritage.

Further, we must acknowledge an unfortunate history in our country of the use of derogatory, stereotypical, and other hurtful characterizations based on differences. We should work affirmatively to eliminate such portrayals and language from all our interactions, classes, meetings, and events.

Our Expectation

In support of the goals of understanding and valuing diversity, our language and behavior toward one another in the workplace and the classroom is expected to be respectful.