

Study Abroad

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Global Education

The world we live in is no longer separated by people, language, cultural values, beliefs and events.

It is interconnected through people and events continually shaping our communities, our state, our college and, most importantly, ourselves.

At ̽̽App, we provide educational opportunities through Global Education/Study Abroad to enhance your college experience and improve your chances for success in your career and more. Our focus is to give you the tools you need to explore different cultures and manage yourself in a global economy. The infusion of global concepts in our curriculum makes you a more desirable employee because of your knowledge of international environments and your understanding of a diverse clientele.

We offer you the following opportunities through our Global Education/Study Abroad program:

College credit
International travel


Recurring Events

Media Club The Club will meet the first Friday of each month, from noon-1 p.m. via Zoom, beginning in September and wrapping up in May. Those interested should contact  Nicole Trevena Flores  for the Zoom link. Lunch and Learn The Lunch and Learn events will be the second Friday of each month, from noon-1 p.m. via Zoom, beginning in September and wrapping up in April. Those interested should contact Nicole Trevena Flores for the Zoom link.

Global education complements your ̽̽App experience by exposing you to differing ideas and perspectives which in turn makes you a more marketable candidate in the workplace. A global perspective prepares you to work successfully with and within other cultures by:

  • Increasing your awareness of global issues and its impact on your life.
  • Enhancing your understanding of the connection between local and global issues.
  • Teaching you the knowledge and skills to be part of real-world solutions to real-world problems on the local and global levels.
  • Allowing you to bridge cultural differences between people from diverse backgrounds in a cross-cultural setting.

We participate in the following one-way exchange programs:

  • IREX Global Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Program which brings ̽̽App students from 12 countries in Eurasia.
  • Congress Bundestag Program brings us students from Germany. There are limited opportunities for reciprocal visits for ̽̽App students to Germany through this exchange.
̽̽App is a member of the Midwest Institute for International Intercultural Education.

Faculty and staff have a variety of opportunities for involvement. These include regular campus programming/trainings, Book Club, Learn at Lunch Series, leading student travel abroad opportunities, participation in the Global Education Team, nominating a colleague for the Global Education Award, as well as working to internationalize curriculum.

Media Club

The Media Club will be meet the first Friday of each month, from noon-1 p.m. via Zoom. Those interested should contact Nicole Trevena Flores for the Zoom link.

  • In March, the Media Club we’ll read “Be the Refuge” by Chenxing Han (the Author will join us for the April Lunch and Learn!!!) 
    • There are a few extra copies, if you need one please reach out. 
    • Participants need not to have read the entire book to attend! Please join no matter your reading progress.
    • If you , a portion of the profit benefits our Student Travel Scholarship!

Global Education and the ̽̽App Diversity Program are complementary endeavors intended to inform students, staff, faculty and the community regarding different ways of thinking, being and doing. The differences lie in the focus of each initiative.

  • Global Education is student and curriculum focused. It helps you understand your place in this world as individuals and as a country. Understanding that we are not only United States citizens, but also citizens of the world is critical for success in the global economy. ̽̽App is preparing you for future success by infusing a global perspective into our curriculum. We want you to have an understating of cultural and societal differences both inside the U.S. and outside our borders. Our goal is to provide you with educational experiences that will enable you to work and compete in a global environment.
  • ̽̽App Diversity Program is employee and experience focused. Our diversity education focuses more on the dynamics of diversity and multiculturalism within the context of the U.S. Its primary focus is to provide ̽̽App employees with opportunities to learn about and experience the dynamics of race, culture and ethnicity outside the academic and scholarly framework.