
Disability Resources


Disability-Related Laws and Resources of Interest to College Students

Transitions to College for Students with Disabilities: This publication compares the differences between high school and college settings and looks at the information students, parents and teachers should know as a student makes plans to attend college.

: The information in this pamphlet, provided by the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education, explains the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities who are preparing to attend postsecondary schools.

 This guide provides an overview of federal civil rights laws that ensure equal opportunity for people with disabilities.

 A part of the U.S. Department of Education, is the largest provider of student financial aid in the nation. At the office of Federal Student Aid, our 1,200 employees help make college education possible for every dedicated mind by providing more than $150 billion in federal grants, loans, and work-study funds each year to more than 13 million students paying for college or career school. We are proud to sponsor millions of American minds pursuing their educational dreams.

:  The Western Iowa and Nebraska Association on Higher Education and Disability consortium has compiled an annotated listing of resources for people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment issues. Several of the resources listed are specific to attending Nebraska or Iowa postsecondary institutions.

 This document, written in July 2008, is a letter from the assistant secretary for education addressed to returning service personnel, particularly those with disabilities.

: With the advances of adaptive technologies and trend toward progressive legislation, prospective college students with disabilities now have countless resources available to make their transition to postsecondary education less stressful. Find specific information and resources on a variety of different disabilities, learn how to make the transition into the workforce easier, and find out what your legal rights on campus are.

Pregnant and Parenting Students

The pamphlet, Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, has been prepared by the U.S. Department of Education-Office of Civil Rights for secondary school administrators, teachers, counselors, parents, and students. Although this pamphlet focuses on secondary schools, the underlying legal principles apply to all recipients of federal financial assistance, including postsecondary institutions

The pamphlet provides background on school retention problems associated with pregnant and parenting students.  It also provides information on the law's specific requirements regarding pregnancy and parenthood. It also include strategies that educators can use to address the educational needs of students who become pregnant or have children.

Pregnant and Parenting Students Rights: FAQ for College and Graduate Students – Title IX: Although not a disability issue, DSS professionals may be asked about accommodating pregnant students. Prepared by the National Women’s Law Center, this fact sheet for pregnant and parenting students may help answer many common questions.

 This site provides resources for students, postdocs, faculty, administrators, and others in institutions of higher education, including colleges, community colleges, universities, and similar programs. Material at the site is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number (IIA-1449752) and is part of the Center for WorkLife Law at University of California Hastings College of the Law.