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Theatre Department


Take a break from lecture classes and lengthy assignments and take theatre classes for college credit! The ̽̽App Theatre Department offers opportunities for students who want to continue participating in any or all of the theatre arts, and ̽̽App is a good place for a student to try something new. This is a place to activate the imagination, build friendships, exercise your creativity, and practice your problem-solving skills. Theatre class can be a place of self-discovery and confidence-building.

Music and Theatre Production Scholarships, which are available each year, can cover up to three-fourths of your tuition.

For more information:
Dr. Jon Gruett
Humanities/Instructor of Music/Theatre
4771 West Scott Road
Beatrice, NE 68310

Film Appreciation (THEA-2130) 3 Credits
Through this course, students will view various films and film clips, gain competency in the critical analysis of film and will develop their understanding of cinema history, genre, and production methods. Offered both face-to-face and online.

Theatre Production (THEA-1850/1860) 2 Credits  
This is a good class for those students who want to design and/or build stage sets, build or design costumes, create and run sound effects, and hang and operate stage lights. The end product is a staged, rehearsed performance presented to an audience. ̽̽App-Beatrice has its own workshop with tools, lumber, gadgets, a sewing machine, fabric, furniture, props, and costumes. All materials for this class are provided for the students; there are no textbooks to purchase. This course can be repeated. Students do not need to be registered for the course to participate

Basic Acting (THEA-1140) 3 credits
This includes improvisation, acting exercises, and in-class performances (rather than public). It is a great class for the beginning actor or for anyone who would like to broaden their horizons, sharpen their imagination, and improve their stage presence in everyday life. Develops confidence and poise, and it’s a lot of fun.

Theatre Practicum (THEA-1851/1861) 1, 2, 3 credits
This course allows students to create an internship designed specifically for the individual in which they do all their “classwork” with the Beatrice Community Players or any Lincoln theatre organization. Students gain practical experience in any or all aspects of theatre production as they work on whatever production is coming up in the season. This course can be repeated.