
Why Be Concerned?

Why Be Concerned?

As members of the ̽̽App community, it is our duty to uphold the mission of ̽̽App: To empower and transform diverse learners and communities of southeast Nebraska through accessible lifelong educational opportunities.

As the eyes and ears of our community, it is our responsibility to take action and assist those students or individuals who show any type of behavior that could threaten their own safety or the well-being of the campus community. We all play a vital role in ensuring the safety of our students. The CARE Team strongly encourages people to utilize its referral services to continue to assist our students and to further enhance our community.

Please know the success of this process hinges on community commitment to reporting concerns or observations. If you have any further questions or have comments, please contact the Safety & Security number at 402-437-2800 or your campus Dean of Students or Safety/Security Specialist for your campus:

Beatrice Campus/Falls City & Hebron Learning Centers:

  • Dean of Students: 402-228-8286 or Ext. 1286
  • Safety & Security Specialist: 402-228-8279 or Ext. 1279

Lincoln Campus (all locations)/Plattsmouth & Nebraska City Learning Centers:

  • Dean of Students: 402-437-2559
  • Safety & Security Specialist: 402-437-2408

Milford Campus/York & Wahoo Learning Centers:

  • Dean of Students: 402-761-8270
  • Safety & Security Specialist: 402-228-8279 or Ext. 1279

 What a CARE referral IS...̽̽App

  • A student-centered process
  • A way to connect students to helpful campus and community resources and support
  • A team that promotes health and safety
  • A way to manage each case individually

 What a CARE referral IS NOT...̽̽App

  • A punitive process
  • A way to mandate counseling
  • A student conduct process
  • Sacrificing individual or community safety
  • A “one-size-fits-all” approach
  • People working in silos
Typical Care Referral Timeline

A CARE case can take from a week to an entire term or even longer to resolve.

Typical Care

Report Online

Report Online

If a person is an immediate threat themselves or someone else or is incapable of caring for themselves, CALL 911.

Report a Complaint or Concern