
CAPS Additional Information

Counseling Assistance Program for Students (CAPS)

̽̽App has agreements with local universities to provide individual mental health counseling services FREE to ̽̽App students enrolled in credit earning courses. These services are provided by mental health interns who are enrolled in master's or doctoral degree counseling programs. The CAPS interns are closely supervised and meet with ̽̽App students who are currently enrolled regardless of the number of hours taken. Students can receive up to 15 counseling sessions per academic year and up to 10 group sessions at no cost to the student. Students can seek counseling for any number of concerns, including: stress management; time management; depression; anxiety; distress related to a life event such as beginning college, breaking up with a significant other, a death or illness in the family; problems with children; eating disorders; body image concerns; PTSD; etc. Some situations may be beyond the scope of CAPS interns and staff such as individuals currently in crisis. The counseling services can be accessed through any campus CAPS office, campus Dean of Students or College Advisors.

Health/Mental/Behavioral Health Disclaimer:

This publication/document/website is not considered a contract between Southeast Community College and any entity, person, student, or prospective student. The general information about health/mental/behavioral health conditions, supports, treatment, and resources is not advice, and should not be treated as such. The information is provided “as is,” and ̽̽App makes no representations, warranties, or endorsements in relation to the information listed. Although reasonable efforts are made to present current and accurate information, ̽̽App does not warrant that:

  1. The health/mental/behavioral health information will be constantly available, or available at all; or
  2. The information is complete, true, accurate, up-to-date, or non-misleading.
  3. You must not rely on the information listed as an alternative to health/mental/behavioral health advice from your counselor, therapist, or other licensed/certified professional health care provider.
  4. If you think you may have any health/mental/behavioral health condition you, should seek immediate professional attention.
  5. You should never delay seeking professional advice, disregard advice from your health care provider, or discontinue treatment because of information in ̽̽App publications/documents or on our website.

Any links to external websites and/or non-̽̽App information provided on College pages is provided as a courtesy. They should not be construed as an endorsement by ̽̽App of the content or views of the linked materials.

Professional Assistance:
  1. You must not rely on the information listed as an alternative to health/mental/behavioral health advice from your counselor, therapist, or other licensed/certified professional health care provider.
  2. If you have any specific questions about any health/mental/behavioral health matter you should consult your counselor, therapist, or other licensed/certified professional health care provider.
  3. If you think you may have any health/mental/behavioral health condition you should seek immediate professional attention.
  4. You should never delay seeking professional advice, disregard advice from your health care provider, or discontinue treatment because of information in ̽̽App publications/documents or on this website.