
Fiber Optics

Fiber Optics

Learn the skills needed to work in the high-demand field as a fiber optics technician.

Our rotating course offerings include:

Certified Fiber Optics Boot Camp (CFOT, CFOS/S, CFOS/T)
This five-day boot camp includes three certified fiber optic courses.

Prerequisite: Able to see, identify and manipulate small items.

Introductory course designed for anyone interested in becoming a Certified Fiber Optics Technician. Coursework combines theory and 85 percent hands-on activities, preparing the students for the CFOT (Certified Fiber Optics Technician) test that is sanctioned by the FOA (Fiber Optics Association). The CFOT test is taken and graded the final class day. Students will also be introduced to industry standards governing fiber to the desk, the home, and distribution cabling.

Prerequisite: FOA CFOT Course. Students must have successfully passed the basic CFOT course within the preceding 12 months of the date of this class or have renewed their FOA membership within that time frame prior to attending the course.

This course includes a complete presentation explaining the importance of high-performance splicing and further details the points necessary to achieve these splices. The depth of this presentation is much greater than most textbooks and provides background information about splicing that is very important to the student. This course is 85% hands-on training both in fusion and mechanical splicing of either single or multimode fiber optics cables.

Prerequisite: FOA CFOT Course. Students must have successfully passed the basic CFOT course within the preceding 12 months of the date of this class or have renewed their FOA membership within that time frame prior to attending the course.

Course offers advance training to anyone involved with the testing and maintenance of fiber optics networks. Involves 85% hands-on exploring the overall spectrum of testing and maintenance of single mode fiber optics networks and provides a detailed overview and demonstration of various pieces of equipment used in testing and maintenance.

Cost includes study materials, exam fees and textbooks for all three courses.

Business & Professional Development Schedule

Business & Professtional Development schedule