
For Students and Parents

  • Please work with your high school SENCAP Coordinator to register for these college credit courses.
  • Visit the How to Enroll page for registration information.
  • After the class is over, you may access your grades on WebAdvisor. You will be given a username and student ID to access your information.

Grades are not mailed, students have constant access to WebAdvisor.

The ¶¶Òõ̽̽App Catalog states, "Grades are posted to WebAdvisor within one week following the end of the term.  Grades become part of the student's permanent record.  It is the student's responsibility to review his/her grades for accuracy.  If there is a question or disagreement with the grade, a student must contact the campus Registration and Records Office.

Tuition - and fees are due on or before the first day of class.

FERPA - ¶¶Òõ̽̽App has developed policies and procedures in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. 

Generally, students have the following rights: to inspect and review their educational records; to a hearing to challenge the contents of their records; and to receive copies of all or part of their educational records upon request.

All requests for student records and information must be in writing and directed to the campus Student Services Office. Questions relating to the release of records and information should be directed to the campus Student Services Office. ¶¶Òõ̽̽App may provide directory lists of graduates to senior institutions that have an articulation agreement with ¶¶Òõ̽̽App.

The College requires a student's Social Security number as a condition for enrollment. A student's Social Security number information constitutes an "educational record" under FERPA. The College will be privileged to distribute that information only with the consent of the student or in those very limited circumstances when consent is not required by FERPA. Questions regarding FERPA should be directed to the campus Registration and Records Office.

The student signature grants permission for ¶¶Òõ̽̽App to "release information relative to my progress at ¶¶Òõ̽̽App to my high school student records office and to my parents/guardians." This release is for the duration of the particular term only. Parents are encouraged to contact the student's high school for information on the student's progress in the college classes.

Please contact your local SENCAP coordinator for more information.