
Peer Comparison Interactives

The Office of Institutional Research has developed a collection of reports that provide comparisons between ¶¶Òõ̽̽App and three different peer groups. These reports, which use  for their source, are meant to provide general data on various aspects of higher education. These reports are published with Tableau Public. As such, the following data displays are interactive and customizable.

Data sections

Peer Comparison | Enrollment

This report provides information about student enrollment at ¶¶Òõ̽̽App and peer institutions. The data can be filtered by or displayed as a distribution by gender, ethnicity, degree-seeking status, and full-part status.

This report provides information about student enrollment at ¶¶Òõ̽̽App and peer institutions. The data can be filtered by or displayed as a distribution by gender, ethnicity, degree-seeking status, and full-part status.

Peer Comparison | Completions

This report provides information about degree completions at ¶¶Òõ̽̽App and peer institutions. The data can be filtered by or displayed as a distribution by gender, ethnicity, award level, and program (i.e., CIP code).

Peer Comparison | Human Resources

This report provides information about employee headcount at ¶¶Òõ̽̽App and peer institutions. The information is available by position type, occupation type, and full-time status and allows creation of custom ratios.

Peer Comparison | Student Financial Aid

This report provides information about the financial aid distributed to students at ¶¶Òõ̽̽App and peer institutions. The data can be filtered by or displayed as a distribution by full-part status, position type, and occupation type. In addition, the data can be displayed as ratios (e.g., percent of employees who are full-time; percent of employees who are faculty).

Peer Comparison | Graduation and Transfer Rates

This report provides information about graduation and transfer rates for students from ¶¶Òõ̽̽App and peer institutions. The data can be filtered or displayed by gender and ethnicity.

Peer Comparison | Finance

This report provides information about standard financial measures at Southeast Community College and peer institutions. A page is available for each of the following: assets and liabilities; revenue; revenue by type; expenses by function; expenses by type; and scholarships.

Peer Comparison | HR Demographics

This report provides information about employee headcount at ¶¶Òõ̽̽App and peer institutions. The information is available by position type, occupation type, full-time status, gender and race/ethnicity.