

Storm soccer player commits to play at Division I college

Former Storm soccer player Trinity Babcock is the first member of the Southeast Community College women’s soccer team to commit to a National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I school. Babcock will play at Chicago State University next fall. The college has around 3,100 students enrolled in the undergraduate program, with 15 intercollegiate sports.

“I knew I wanted to go to a bigger city after playing in a smaller town for a new experience,” she said. “I have family in Chicago, so I started to explore places around the city and fell in love with the culture at Chicago State after meeting the coaches and players.”

Babcock graduated from Lincoln Southeast High School in 2020 and attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the fall. She had missed her senior soccer season because of COVID, and when the opportunity to transfer to ̽̽App and play on the first-ever women’s soccer team presented itself, she decided to take the chance.

“I don’t know why everyone who plays sports doesn’t consider community college athletics instead of quitting and becoming the average student at a big university,” she said. “Being a student-athlete teaches you discipline and perseverance.”

Babcock was able to play three seasons for the Storm, since she had an extra year of eligibility due to COVID, and earn her associate degree. During that time, she developed her soccer skills while building relationships with her teammates.

“I enjoyed how competitive it was and how supportive the coaching staff was,” she recalled. “They were able to open these doors for me to continue playing and were always working on growing you as a player no matter what skill level you were at. I was able to form friendships with kids from other countries and ̽̽App soccer gave me many new experiences.”

“I’m very happy for her; it’s a big step, and I can’t wait to follow her career,” said Morgan Anderson, ̽̽App Interim Head Coach. “She’s a very smart player.”

Once she gets to Chicago State, Babcock said she will study Business Finance. However, she will always remember her time at ̽̽App and advises other high school students to consider giving community college a shot.

“̽̽App gave me the flexibility to explore possible four-year majors while getting all of my general classes out of the way at a fraction of the cost,” she said.

Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist