

Storm assistant soccer coach finishes season as interim head coach

Morgan Anderson never intended to be the head coach so soon for the Storm women’s soccer team, but when Head Coach John Hakari took another job in South Dakota at the beginning of the season, the job became Anderson’s, and she intended to make the most of it.

“Coaching has always been a dream of mine,” she said. “I love working with kids that never give up! My ultimate goal with coaching would be working my way up to the (NCAA) Division I level, but you never know, I love it here.”

Anderson played soccer at Millard West High School, and then at Bellevue University from 2008-2011. She’s enjoyed working with community college athletes and said this season was full of ups and downs. The Storm ended the season with a 3-12 record.

“It was full of both (highs and lows), but the highs outweighed the lows,” she said. “Some days were tough, but when I remind myself why I’m doing it (the women), it makes it all worth it. I love giving back what was given to me. As a player, I had so many amazing opportunities because of soccer. I want these girls to be able to experience college athletics and it to be a core memory they can look back on.”

Anderson will spend the off-season recruiting as she has 12 players graduating this season, a constant challenge with community college sports. She is looking forward to building a team for next season.

“I will be bringing in quite a few new faces into our program,” she said. “With that being said, I would like to see us back at the top of our region and have a goal of not just making the post season but winning in the post season!”

When she’s not coaching, Anderson works for her husband’s family painting business. The couple also enjoys spending time with their dog and playing frisbee golf.


Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist