

Share Your Story: Dani Klute

Program of Study: Human Services ‘89
Campus Location: Lincoln

Graduating in 1989 with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Human Services, Dani Klute decided to make a career change. In 2010, she returned to college as a non-traditional student on the same day her oldest son started at Concordia University. She went on to earn licenses in massage therapy and as an esthetician and opened her own business. None of this would have been possible without her start at ̽̽App.

“Attending ̽̽App helped me be successful, not only in school, but in life,” Klute said. “I was very young when I started college. I didn’t get the best grades in high school and focused more on having fun. Had I gone to a university, I have no doubt I would have gotten lost in the crowd, followed the crowd and not done well in class.”

Another part which made her ̽̽App experience memorable were all the relationships she developed with her instructors and classmates. Three of her classmates were bridesmaids in her wedding and are close friends to this day. She embraced her time at ̽̽App, and she would pass that advice on to current and future students.

“Embrace every single day and don’t worry so much about the future,” she said. “The future will take care of itself if you work hard, are honest, do your best, and are reliable and trustworthy. These are some of the best days of your life, so soak it in.”

Being self-employed allows Klute to set her own schedule and spend as much time as possible as Mimi to her four grandchildren. She and her husband also bought a camper last summer and look forward to taking adventures together and with their grandchildren.

Jennifer Snyder
Communications Specialist