

̽̽App students receive Thanksgiving meals

̽̽App’s Culinary/Hospitality program cooked up 50 holiday meals for students who may otherwise not have a Thanksgiving dinner. Currently the College has food pantries at all three campuses for students to access grab and go food as well as other basic hygiene items.

A few months ago, the culinary students started contributing homemade bread, and pastries as well. When they offered soup, they had to decline since there was no refrigerator in the food pantry. That has since changed.

“I sent an email to ̽̽App students last week to let them know about the meals and within two hours, all meals were claimed,” said Theresa Webster, Assistant Campus Director/Dean of Students. “Culinary let us know they had a refrigerator they weren’t using at the time so we were able to move it into the food pantry. Now we’re able to also provide perishable items.  It’s been an awesome partnership that has developed.”

Students were able to pick up the holiday meals on Tuesday. The College is closed from Wednesday, Nov. 23 to Friday, Nov. 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday.

For more on ̽̽App’s Culinary/Hospitality program, click on this link: /culinary/

Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist