

̽̽App Safety Fair is Monday, Sept. 12 in Beatrice

First responders, a helicopter and safety demonstrations will be on display Monday, Sept. 12, from 4-6 p.m. at ̽̽App’s Beatrice Campus, south of the Kennedy Student Center. The event is held each year to bring safety awareness to students, faculty and staff.

Members of the Beatrice Police Department, Gage County Sheriff’s Office and Beatrice Fire and Rescue will be participating. In addition, there will be a hot line demonstration from Norris Public Power District, the Star Care medical helicopter and a distracted driving presentation, among other activities.

̽̽App admissions counselor and testing coordinator Casey Holsing has endured close to a dozen surgeries as a result of being hit by a distracted driver in 2020, and the medical bills keep adding up. She will hold a 45-minute presentation on the dangers and different types of distracted driving.

“People don’t realize how your life can change in one second based on the decisions you make while driving,” she said.

The event is free to the public, and ̽̽App staff and faculty who attend will earn one safety credit.


Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist