

̽̽App has Board vacancy

The ̽̽App Board of Governors has a vacancy after the Rev. Edward Price resigned for health reasons.

The Board is accepting applications to fill Price’s seat through Aug. 6. Residents can confirm ̽̽App’s Third District boundaries at 

An application form for the Board seat can be completed at /boardvacancy/. Third-District residents will answer a series of questions to determine eligibility.

On Aug. 11 the Executive Team of the Board of Governors will review applications during an open meeting. On Aug. 24, during the Board’s regular monthly meeting at the Nebraska City Learning Center, the entire Board will interview finalists and select a replacement.

Price was first elected to represent the Third District in 2013. His term was to expire in 2024.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities for growth and development experienced during my time as a ̽̽App Board member since 2013,” he said in his letter of resignation. “My time at ̽̽App has been both enriching and stimulating to my growth as an educator, community leader and activist.”

Price had previously worked at the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and as pastor of All Nations Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in Lincoln.


Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist