

̽̽App Board of Governors Praise Dr. Paul Illich

The ̽̽App Board of Governors announced ̽̽App President Dr. Paul Illich met their expectations during his yearly performance evaluation at the April 16 regular monthly meeting at the Wahoo Learning Center.

“The ̽̽App Board of Governors is very pleased with the leadership of Dr. Illich,” said Arlyn Uhrmacher, chairman of the Board. “The Board values his leadership, nurturing skills, vision, and his dedication to the success of ̽̽App in every aspect of his work.”

The Board and Illich established three goals centered around the College’s strategic plan for him to focus on during the past year. In addition, the Board looked at Illich’s desire to have his vision and decisions as well as the College’s progress congruent with the Strategic Plan. The goals for Illich were:

  1. His ability to build relationships with the Board, the College and community stakeholders. This goal includes the development of a desired culture at ̽̽App.
  2. His leadership in strategic and operational planning.
  3. His ability to collaborate with regional and state association agencies.

̽̽App has seen record growth in enrollment at all three campuses and the six learning centers during the last two semesters. This growth is due to Illich’s guidance in increasing the capacity of the college to meet employer, community and student needs in the College’s 15-county service area. During his tenure with the college, there have been significant changes in the enrollment and registration process, making it easier for students and employer partners to meet their educational and employment needs. Most recently under Illich’s leadership, the Higher Learning Commission granted reaffirmation of accreditation to ̽̽App for a 10-year period expiring in July 2033.

Illich was named ̽̽App president on July 1, 2014, after serving as vice president of research, planning and information at McLennan Community College in Waco, Texas. He is a visionary leader who believes in data-driven decision making and in the value of creating a culture of opportunity, creativity and intellectual, and personal respect.

Jennifer Snyder
Communications Specialist