

̽̽App Board member Jim Garver dies

James J. Garver, vice chairman of the ̽̽App Board of Governors, died March 30. He was 71. Garver served the Board from November 2007 to December 2012, then again from 2015 to present. During his tenure he held various offices.

Neal Stenberg, chairman of the Board, said Garver’s dedication to ̽̽App and its students and employees was always top-of-mind.

“The ̽̽App family is greatly saddened by the death of Jim Garver, who was for so many years a good friend to the College, to its staff and students, and to his colleagues on the Board of Governors,” Stenberg said. “Jim was highly respected by, and a mentor to, those of us who followed in his footsteps on the Board.”

Stenberg said Garver served on the Board during a time when the College came to be known for academic excellence.

“During Jim’s tenure, and through his leadership and involvement, the College saw a transformational development in new programs and facilities, all geared to meeting the needs of students and facilitating economic development in the ̽̽App area and throughout Nebraska,” Stenberg said.

“At the same time, Jim knew the value of a dollar and always required that expenditures be fully justified in terms of the benefits provided to the College and its constituents. At Board meetings, Jim was an outspoken leader but always respectful and collegial in dealing with his colleagues and with staff. Jim was hard working, steady, and a recognized leader in post-secondary education in Nebraska. He will be greatly missed.”

A celebration of life is planned for 1 p.m. Saturday, April 9, at the Sacred Winds Native Mission Church, United Methodist Church, 2400 S. 11th St., Lincoln.


Stu Osterthun
Administrative Director of Public Information & Marketing