

Q & A with Ashton Holtzen

Ashton Holtzen is one of six electrical apprentices with 34 Electric, a local company that started in 2017. With 12 employees and growing, 34 Electric keeps its eye on the future by investing in its team and technology to meet the changing needs of its clients.

Where do you call home?
I am from Stromsburg, Nebraska, and just recently moved to Tobias, Nebraska.

What can we find you doing outside of your work with 34 Electric?
As a hobby, my family and I do demolition derby which is a fun activity that mainly takes place during the summertime. I also am a competition robotics coach at my old high school.

Why did 34 Electric send you to the electrical maintenance courses at ̽̽App?
They decided to send me to this course to get me more familiar with PLCs and how they operate to possibly open up a new area of work for the company in the future.

What makes ̽̽App’s courses stand out in terms of quality?
I like the ̽̽App classes because the instructor knew exactly what he was talking about and was very helpful at answering questions that arose in class.

Would you recommend someone in your industry take classes at ̽̽App?
I would strongly recommend these courses to anyone in the electrical field because they have many classes that focus on certain aspects of the field to just get a better understanding on a certain subject.

How did the courses you took fit into your busy work schedule?
These courses are really nice for companies to send employees to because it is a simple two- or three-day course instead of semester-long class.

“My experience was second to none. The instructor did a very good job at starting simple and working his way up to more and more complicated parts," Holtzen said. "This allowed us less-experienced people to gain basic knowledge while refreshing the others on things that they might have forgotten. There were a lot of hands-on activities to troubleshoot problems by ourselves and made us feel like we were working in the field. I would really recommend this class to people in my field because it gives a basic understanding of how PLCs work and how to program a PLC for many different applications.”

David Kamran
Assistant Director Continuing Education