

November is National Native American Heritage Month

̽̽App is hosting a panel to bring more awareness to Native and Indigenous people. The panel, presented by ̽̽App’s Global Education, is titled “Bridging Heritage to Current Advocacy for Native and Indigenous People.” It takes place from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 17 at ̽̽App’s Lincoln Campus gymnasium, 8800 O St. It is free and open to the public.

The panel discussion features four experts who will talk about their experiences, including ̽̽App’s Cynthia Surrounded By Enemies, an instructor in the Human Services program. She said the event is an opportunity to educate and provide different approaches to bridge our communities together with an active dialogue.

“Attendees can learn about Indigenous experiences, gaps in hiring positions, especially in leadership roles, and local resources and ways we can advocate for and with Native/Indigenous people in our community,” she said.

She hopes attendees will have a better understanding of the Indigenous communities, as well as ways the public can better support and advocate for them.

Other panelists are Joe Starita, retired journalism professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Keli Warrior, an adjunct faculty member at Nebraska Indian Community College; and Dr. Anitra Warrior, a psychologist at the Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska. ̽̽App employees who attend can receive 1.5 hours of diversity credit.


Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist