

New Animal Behavior Class

If you’ve ever wondered why animals behave the way they do, now’s your chance to study them at ̽̽App. This fall, ̽̽App will offer “Animal Behavior” BIO/PSYCH 2201 as a three-credit hour course on the Lincoln Campus.

“Students interested in learning about animal behavior from a scientific perspective, and wanting to learn more about the behavior of their own pets, would benefit from our Animal Behavior course,” said Dr. K.L. Zupancic, ̽̽App psychology instructor.

The course studies how and why animals behave in response to their environments. It also will involve hands-on opportunities for animal behavior research and community engagement through science outreach. There will be a special focus on arthropod and domestic animal behavior.

“I’m eager to venture out as a class into Lincoln’s parks and research animal behavior firsthand by working with our local arthropods (spiders included!) to learn more about animal diversity, evolution and ecology,” added Dr. Tyler Corey, ̽̽App biology instructor.

Prior to taking this course, it is suggested students take BIOS1010 and/or BIOS1400 and/or BIOS1410 and/or PSCYC1810.

̽̽App’s 2021 Fall Semester begins Aug. 23. For more information about the Animal Behavior class, contact Zupancic at kzupancic@southeast.edu or Corey at tcorey@southeast.edu.


Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist