

New African Studies class at ̽̽App

Students at ̽̽App who are interested in Global Studies had the opportunity to take a new class this semester called “African Civic Engagement.” The class, co-taught by ̽̽App instructors Cara Benedict and Danvas Mabeya, interacts with African students via Zoom as the students learn about different cultures.

“I love how diverse it is and how helpful the professors are,” said Hanan Smoqy, an ̽̽App student from Northern Iraq. “I hope to get the help needed to understand the world around me in terms of diversity.” 

According to Benedict, half of the class is time spent on the ̽̽App campus learning about globalization, which includes understanding culture, history and political concepts. The other half is spent with Africa, which provides lectures and other engaging activities to learn more about African cultures and globalization. 

“The world is becoming much more globalized, and the more we become globally and culturally engaged with people of other cultures, the more knowledgeable and competent we can be with our interactions,” Mabeya said. “However, many of our students do not have the resources to travel across the world, so we are bringing people of other countries to our classroom. This way we can still have a globally engaging experience without having to fly overseas.”  

Benedict said this class will likely be offered once a year at ̽̽App. Get more information on the Global Studies curriculum and study abroad opportunities.


Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist