

Milford instructor receives Distinguished Faculty award

̽̽App science instructor Dave Schmitter is the recipient of the Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty designation for 2023. The American Association of Community Colleges recognizes around 30 faculty members from around the country to receive the award.

“When I heard the school was nominating me for this award, I felt truly humbled,” said Schmitter, a math and physics instructor on ̽̽App’s Milford Campus. “I know there are many instructors at ̽̽App that do amazing work and work just as hard as I do, so it is truly an honor.”

The AACC recognizes faculty from around the country on different criteria, including how they demonstrate passion for students and classroom, how they support students in and out of the classroom, their participation in college committees, and going above and beyond to make sure their students are successful.

“Dave is always willing to help students both in and out of the classroom,” said Kevin Uhler, ̽̽App associate dean. “He is consistently involved in self-evaluation and professional development opportunities, as well as serving the college on teams. He is a tremendous recipient of this recognition and an asset to ̽̽App.”

Schmitter grew up in Hyde Park, New York, and received his bachelor’s in physics from the University of Rochester. He then went on to earn his master’s and Ph.D. in physics from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He started teaching in 2007 as an adjunct at Providence College, and then at Massachusetts Maritime Academy from 2010-2016. He’s been at ̽̽App’s Milford Campus since 2016.

“I love the students and my colleagues, of course,” he said. “I also have enjoyed the opportunities outside of the classroom that ̽̽App has given me. Working on the Accreditation Steering Team, participating in Family Science Night, goal planning . . . all of these have helped me grow as an educator and a person.”

As for future goals, Schmitter hopes to further engage his students in different ways, as well as contribute to the mission of the College. When he’s not teaching, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two boys. He helps coach their sports, is the STEM Coordinator for their Cub Scout pack, and is part of a Lincoln improv troupe.

Schmitter will receive the Dale P. Parnell Distinguished Faculty Award on April 4, 2023, in Denver, Colorado, at the AACC Annual Conference.

Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist