

Meridian students on similar academic and career paths

Dylan Peterson and Chase Bartels are both students and friends at Meridian High School in Daykin. In addition to both taking Southeast Nebraska Career Academy Partnership/Dual Credit classes, they are also attending ̽̽App in Milford this fall.

“I plan to go to ̽̽App Milford to receive a degree in Electrical & Electromechanical Technology,” said Peterson. “SENCAP has helped me make this decision by leading me down the right path. I have done many job shadows and different activities to help me gain knowledge on what I want to do.”

“I am going into the John Deere Tech program at Milford,” Bartels said. “SENCAP helped me make this decision because I have learned from the program, and ̽̽App seems like a good college and the professors seem like they genuinely care about me and want to see me succeed.”

Meridian guidance counselor Lisa Hermsmeier said Peterson and Bartels are great examples of students who are going into hands-on careers. SENCAP classes expose students to different career paths.

“I think both of these boys are perfect examples of students that will excel at their chosen career field, and with SENCAP, they can jump right in and start enjoying those classes now,” she said. “They are great examples of everyday students who have shown their drive and responsibility in being successful working independently on SENCAP classes.”

Close to 50 school districts are in partnership with ̽̽App and offer pathways that include Agriculture, Business, Construction, Criminal Justice, Education, Health Sciences, Information Technology and Manufacturing.

“They are a good transition so that when you get to ̽̽App, everything isn’t such a shock,” Bartels said. “It also allowed me to knock out some of my courses prior to enrolling in the program, which is great because it is going to be less stressful for me when I am at ̽̽App.”

“These classes have all helped me gain more knowledge to help me in my future career,” Peterson added.

Bartels plans to work as a John Deere mechanic in Hebron when he graduates from ̽̽App. Peterson's future isn’t as clear, but he said he is looking to possibly start his own business.

Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist