

Meet the Graduate: Jonathan Nguyen

̽̽App has something for everyone and this appealed to Jonathan Nguyen when he was looking for a college to attend. He ultimately enrolled in the Business program on the Lincoln Campus because of the number of career options available to him on his path to possible. Nguyen will graduate with his Associate of Applied Science degree on Tuesday, May 14, and has gained so much more.

“̽̽App helped me build my confidence,” said Nguyen. “I have developed the skills needed to not only earn a degree but these skills will also help me pursue a career in business.”

It did not take him long to realize one of ̽̽App’s best assets is the people. Nguyen received valuable advice and direction from Business instructors Anne Loudon and Sanela Ganic as well as Maggie Hoke in Student Services and Heather Waite from Career Services. They all played a key role in the direction he plans to take after graduation. 

“The instructors and staff at ̽̽App are kind and really helpful,” he explained. “My favorite part of ̽̽App has been working with the staff which enhanced my overall learning experience. “

Nguyen was able to take his business skills from the classroom to the workplace at Kawasaki. He spent the last year interning in human resources and plans to work at Kawasaki after he graduates. Eventually he would like to earn a bachelor’s degree. He credits ̽̽App with helping him decide his career path.  

“̽̽App is a great place,” Nguyen said. “It’s a place where you can start off in any degree and explore all your options. It’s also helpful that many credits are transferrable to any four-year university of your choice. This has been quite the journey for me and I have sincerely enjoyed my time at ̽̽App. Thanks for everything!”

Jennifer Snyder
Communications Specialist