

Meet the Graduate: Tai'an Williams

When it comes to picking your career, don’t sell yourself short. Tai’an Williams graduated from Lincoln High School in 2021 with a goal of becoming a successful real estate agent. She knew a business degree from ̽̽App would take her on her path to possible.

“I knew I wanted a degree with many career opportunities just in case things don’t work out the way I planned,” Williams said. “̽̽App set me up for adulthood with the classes I took. Personal finance, economics and principles of banking have given me insight on things like mortgages, closings, appraisals, and equations that go into the value of homes and real estate. I am set up for success. I am very excited.”

Williams was recognized in April as a member of the All-Nebraska Academic Team at the annual Phi Theta Kappa Recognition Ceremony. As a member of the team, she received a $1,000 scholarship. While at ̽̽App, she was a work study student in the Business Division and gave back to Lincoln High as an AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) tutor. She will graduate on Dec. 14 with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Business from the Lincoln Campus.

“The atmosphere at ̽̽App is my favorite part about college,” she said. “Everyone is super helpful, and there are tons of resources. I also like the small classes, and the professors are nice.”

If she had the opportunity to give herself advice as a high school senior, Williams would make sure to do it all over again at ̽̽App.

“If you’re unsure of a major, start at a community college,” Williams explained. “If you know what you want to do but you struggle financially, community college is the way. It is affordable, efficient and people want to help you be successful in life. Take advantage of all the advice given to you along the way.”

Jennifer Snyder
Communications Specialist