

Haas Foundation donates money to ̽̽App’s Precision Machining program

̽̽App’s Precision Machining and Automation Technology program recently received a $15,000 donation from the Gene Haas Foundation. The money will be used for scholarships and for students to enter and travel to skills competitions such as SkillsUSA.

“The generosity of Gene Haas and his foundation is very much appreciated,” said Kirby Taylor, program chair. “This helps offset the financial burden of school. The No. 1 priority should be learning, not figuring out how to pay for it.” 

The Gene Haas Foundation was formed to fund the needs of communities around the California area. It has since expanded to prepare students with a career in manufacturing. Haas is the owner of Haas Automation Inc., America’s leading builder of Computer Numeric Control machines, which he started in 1983. Haas also owns multiple NASCAR teams.

Log on to our website for more information on our Precision Machining and Automation Technology program Precision Machining - Advanced CNC & Automation or Precision Machining - Tool Maker Mold & Die.

Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist