

A Day in the Life of a Recruiter

The changes happening at each ̽̽App location make life easier for the Admissions team. Difference-makers when talking to prospective students include: 

  • New buildings and renovated spaces
  • New residence halls on each campus
  • Student-friendly enrollment processes
  • Affordable tuition
  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Athletics on each campus with expanded opportunities
  • Off-site and remote course placement testing

The best way to showcase everything ̽̽App can offer is for prospective students to visit one of our campuses and experience it for themselves. Visits include everything from individual and group tours to attending an event like Discovery or Career Days. Discovery Days replaced Open House in Fall 2015, and there has been a 135% increase in student attendance by the end of the 2022-2023 academic year. Career Days such as Careers in Construction has seen a 48% increase in participants since they were expanded in 2018-2019.

A recruitment event takes an extensive amount of logistical planning to make it appear seamless to the attendee. It all starts with a communication plan to invite students and keep them up-to-date prior to the event. This is followed by making sure everything is in place on the College’s end by reserving rooms, recruiting staff to help with the event, finalizing the schedule, making sure signage is in place, ordering food and drinks, writing and sending thank-yous to attendees, and more.

“It’s a process that involves meticulous planning, checklists and a lot of communication,” said Kat Kreikemeier, administrative director of admissions. “Event days start early with a kick-off meeting for staff to ensure all details are in place and once guests start to arrive, it’s showtime! The Admissions team moves seamlessly in showcasing ̽̽App through tours, presentations and one-on-one conversations. We want to make sure our events are efficient and effective, and all logistics from maps, parking, food, etc., are on time, accessible and easy for guests to navigate.”

Those working a recruitment event are told to wear comfortable shoes. The number of steps traveled depends on the type of event, but it is not out of the ordinary to put in 15,000-17,000 steps by the end of the event.

Learn more about the campus visit option which is best for you at: Visit ̽̽App.

Jennifer Snyder
Communications Specialist