

Board of Governors fills vacant seat

The ¶¶ŅõĢ½Ģ½App Board of Governors selected Dick LeBlanc to fill a vacant District 4 seat during a special meeting of the Board Tuesday at the Milford Campus. The vacancy was created when longtime Board member James Garver died on March 30.

LeBlanc, Kristi Chambers, J.P. (James) Caruso, and Penny McCord submitted applications for the vacancy and were interviewed by the Board on Tuesday. LeBlanc garnered the most votes and will be sworn in June 21.

ā€œIā€™m currently retired,ā€ said LeBlanc, 78, ā€œand Iā€™m tired of being retired. Iā€™m looking forward to being a part of a professional and progressive board.ā€

Originally from Crook, Colorado, LeBlanc served as executive director of the Nebraska Board of Educational Lands and Funds (the state land office) before retiring after a 14-year career. Most recently he performed work for Lincoln Berean Church and North Pointe Community Church.

LeBlanc holds a masterā€™s degree in Ag Business from Colorado State University, where he also served as student body president. He and his wife, Miriam, have served as proctors for those pursuing their GEDĀ®.

ā€œI am excited about whatā€™s going on at ¶¶ŅõĢ½Ģ½App with the new 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, whatā€™s planned for coming years and the way the College goes about it,ā€ LeBlanc said. ā€œThey have specific goals and values and a specific plan to target progress on each of those items. They measure and see how theyā€™re doing.

ā€œIā€™m also excited about the new building projects.ā€

A daughter and son-in-law both attended ¶¶ŅõĢ½Ģ½App ā€œand it was a great help to them to move forward with a career path,ā€ LeBlanc said.

LeBlanc and his wife have two married daughters, seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. He said heā€™s looking forward to being part of a board again.

ā€œIā€™m currently retired, but Iā€™m tired of being retired,ā€ he said. ā€œIā€™m looking forward to actively being part of a professional and progressive board.ā€

LeBlanc will complete the remainder of Garverā€™s term, which expires on Jan. 5, 2023.


Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist