

Ag alum runs family farm

Ever since Kevin Medow graduated from ̽̽App’s Beatrice Campus in 1983, he’s been running a family farm near Utica. Medow operates an irrigated grain farm with his nephew, Aaron Noler, and his son Christopher will join the operation when he graduates from ̽̽App in a couple of years. It’s always been a family affair for the Medows.

“My sister (Rhonda) has also been working for several years at the farm as the bookkeeper and extra help to keep things running smoothly,” Kevin said. “Of course, my parents, who are in their mid-80s, have been taking an active part for many years in the farm and still live at the home place.”

Medow said he decided to attend ̽̽App back in the 1980s because of the smaller campus and the ability to graduate in half the time as a traditional college. During those two years he was able to concentrate on the skills necessary to run his farming operation.

“I focused on skills needed for crop production agriculture in a hands-on environment with practical class instruction and training,” he added.

His time on the Beatrice Campus helped Medow learn the tools to become successful in running his operation. Following graduation, he then attended ̽̽App Milford to learn about diesel technology.

“You can never stop learning; school is just the start or springboard to launch your career,” he said. “You always have to be exploring and growing in the understanding of new ideas and technology to implement those tools, whether mechanical or financial, that will have the best chance to bring greater efficiency to the operation.

Medow hopes to eventually scale back his involvement and spend more time with his grandchildren. Until then, he continues the hard work of a farmer, with the influence of ̽̽App.

“I hope to be able to transition out of my role as the main decision maker and allow the next generation to continue to successfully manage and operate the farm into the future,” he said.

Kevin and his wife Angie also have three daughters: Katherine, Sarah and Clare, and one infant granddaughter, Madeline.


Andrea Gallagher
Communications Specialist