
Brandon Gunther

Brandon GuntherHome Address: 11650 Vanderview Road, Hickman, NE 68372

District Representing: Second

Current Office on the Board: Secretary

Board Member Since: January 2023

Term Expires: December 2026


College(s) and Degrees From Each: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, B.A.

High School: Tri County, DeWitt, NE

Year Graduated:2001

Professional Development, Conferences/Workshops Related to Community Colleges or Higher Education: Attended Association of Community College Trustees Legislative Seminar February 2011


Current Employer: Gana Trucking & Excavating

Past Employment Summary: Crete Carrier Corp., Transportation Claims Incorporated

Professional Organizations/Offices Held: Chair, Safety Management Council of the Nebraska Trucking Association; Chair, Safety & Environmental Committee, Nebraska Concrete & Aggregate Association